Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Obama as President can be a good thing

I cannot think of anyone who likes to lose, especially a hard fought Presidential election. The GOP in 2008 lost more seats in Congress as well as the Presidency.

Though this seems like a tough blow for conservatives, there may be a bright side to Obama winning the election.

Many conservatives do not regard Sen. John McCain as a "true conservative". Yes, he is a great American war hero and has served his country a long time in public office but on occasion gone against conservative values.

I am not in a position to debate McCain's conservative values but the obvious questioning by some, leaves the conservative base less unified.

If the GOP is going unify and stick to conservative principles the base must all agree their candidate is a true conservative. So how does Obama winning the Presidency help?

Well one way to prove someone wrong is to let them prove themselves wrong. Obama ran a campaign on big promises that sound good in speeches, but in practice do not work.

So what should the GOP do? Wait. Let Obama put his policies into play. If he follows the Democrat hard left agenda people may realize that this was not the change they were promised.

This does not mean the GOP should let the Democrats run over them. Issues like the fairness doctrine, which aims to silence conservative talk radio, should be met with strong resistance.

In the meantime, the GOP should reorganize, simplify the conservative message, and be ready for 2010 and 2012. Hard core Democrats are going to vote Democrat, but Independents and moderate Democrats might be ready for another "change" in two and four years.
The GOP shouldn't look at the 2008 election as a loss but a perfect time to rebuild and reorganize.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that...Most of what he has promised he simply cannot afford without massive tax increases.

RightKlik said...

I don't think Obama can be defeated in 4 years. He has clearly demonstrated that he knows how to acquire power quickly and he knows how to use power when he gets it. He has the unflinching support of the media and he's very well organized. Any mistakes will be swept under the rug. Unless the Obama presidency is a catastrophic failure, we're going to get a second term. Congress is another story, but again, Obama and his dems are well organized and I think they can hold it together for the next two years.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with an Obama presidency may be amnesty for all the illegal aliens. If illegals get mass amnesty, then they will get to vote in the next election (not like they didn't vote in this one). I am sure they will be eager to vote for Obama (again) for giving them amnesty. This would probably lead to a much larger democrat vote, which could keep Republicans out indefinitely. Once illegals get the vote, they are not going to be very likely to give up their welfare checks, free housing, their immunity from our laws that most of them have anyway, etc., etc. I am not sure that waiting is going to do much more than give the liberals a bigger head start. Nonliberals need to fight things like higher taxes, the fairness doctrine and all the other liberal garbage that comes down the pike starting now.

A speedy, overwhelming return to conservative ideas like family values and smaller government is what is needed. We don't need the government to tell us how to spend your money or raise our kids, and we are not responsible for those who do. These conservative compassion and moderate ideas need to go right out the window. Start at the municipal and state levels and then go to the federal level. I think that most conservatives are busy working 1 or 2 jobs, and raising a family and trying to make ends meet, so it is more difficult for us to be as politically active as the liberals are. Many of them are living on government money and don't have the responsibilities that the working class has. If everybody could pick maybe just one issue in their local government and fight for that particular issue we could have a better chance of getting rid of Obama in 2012.

Obama being elected president will be a good thing only if it gets all the conservatives moving in the right direction at the same time. Let's start heading in the same direction and stop acting like a herd of cats.