Monday, November 24, 2008

Early Socialism in America

Did you know that some of the first settlements in America practiced socialism?

On May 13th, 1607 104 colonists arrived in the new world and established the Jamestown settlement, named after King James. The original settlers were all men or boys and lived under a communal system, a form of socialism.

All food was stored in a common pool and shared among the colonists. This eventually led to a small percentage of colonists who actually worked. The Jamestown colony was headed for failure and even called the period, "The Starving Time".

Realizing that communal sharing did not work, colony leaders decided to give each settler a plot of land to grow and produce what they wanted. Production increased and buying and selling of goods began. The colony had established a form of capitalism and started to prosper.

History once again reminds us that "spreading the wealth" is not an answer.


Fidothedog said...

I have to ask if they had their own version of a "outreach ordinator" or some other Guardian non job that thought that idea up.

mTm said...

To bad th Liberal aren't smart enough to know this - maybe they think that they are so smart it will work. Maybe they don't care as it may make them more powerful. Probably all the above.

kipsweig said...

"Those who remember History are doomed to repeat it."

Kimberly said...

I'm sure any organization problems or leadership issues had no part to play in the matter.
People don't generally sit around and wait to starve to death simply because they are sharing their resources.