I personally will not watch any of the mainstream media channels anymore. I can't trust them.
If they can feed the public with their own agenda during an election what are they feeding us in the off season?
I caught some of CNN's, Wolf/Candy, comments on McCain and became very angry. They talked about McCain, his honor, his service etc... how dare they start talking about how distinguished McCain is after months of bashing.
To anyone in the MSM out there don't start with the McCain niceties now, you are not worthy.
Covid to the rescue
No sooner did President Biden say in an interview released on Wednesday
that he would re-evaluate whether to stay in the presidential race if a
doctor told...
7 months ago
I totally agree...
I absolutely refuse from this day forward to watch any major network or read any major newspaper.
The drive-bys are a disgrace.
I agree. When it comes to getting the message out, we need to stop letting the enemies of America determine the battlefield and the rules of combat. I say we keep talking to Fox and the Wall Street Journal (except Noonan) and the small-town papers and let the rest of them rot.
What we really need is a grass-roots, new media, viral, rockstar movement to tell people what conservatism REALLY is (and who can blame them for not knowing, given the spokesmen we've had for the past 20 years).
You know how Barry O generated those enormous crowds for his speeches? He made a lot of them at the breaks between acts at rock concerts. We need to revive country music and REAL rock music and send our standard-bearers to the concerts.
I agree. the only show i watch and now miss is Glenn Beck. He wasn't bad at all.
I totally agree!
I quit watching the MSM because they didn't do their job. They were providing a path that they felt we should follow. I am for FREEDOM of choosing based on the facts of in this case both parties. We did not get that at all.
The media spent all their time trashing the Republican party and all the little tidbits and making them bigger that what they should have. Had they done their job, we wouldn't have the guy we have now as President. His background is horrible, scary and at best no experience to make a decision because he did not make one.
All that said, MSM should be boycotted and let their rating slide to ZERO!
I expected the news reported we did not get that. We got opinions and commentary and told who we should vote for.
I will not and hope you all will not watch the main stream media and get the message across they too need to change their ways. When they don't get market share they have to find out what is going on and why. Change will occur then. It will hit their wallet and that they don't wish to happen.
I actually....believe it or not.....just had a JOURNALISM MAJOR tell me that she can't stand it when people push their opinions on her. This because I sent her a link to a conservative blog.
A JOURNALISM MAJOR. The journalists are the ones responsible for anointing our new President. Unless you watched Fox News, the media coverage was so blatantly slanted for the last 8 months, it's not even ARGUABLE that they were trying to be impartial.
Hannity is right. Journalism is dead.
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