Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama's foot in mouth?

President-elect Barack Obama was asked by reporters today if he'd spoken with other president. Obama said, “I have spoken to all of them who are living", then smiled and continued, "I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.

Even Joe Biden probably had to do a double take on that one. So I guess since you won the election you can now be rude, or is that just his nature?

Obama did have to suck it up and call Mrs Reagan to apologize. How ironic, after only 3 days you have to call the wife of Ronald Reagan, and to get your foot out of your mouth.

Biden, you get a pass today.



Anonymous said...

Perhaps he was only attempting to make Biden not feel so bad. You know, bringing himself down to Joe's level. Obama is an advocate of socialism and equality, after all. Maybe he believes the two should be equally embarrassing when engaging in public speaking.

chris j said...

Ouch. Guess he's not the fantastic public speaker we thought he was.

Joshua said...

What it does is show his contempt for others and his disregard for anyone he thinks might know more than him. If someone had something like that about his grandmother..he would have them dragged through the mud.

Patricia Maier said...

What is sad to see in his answer is something that has been consistant with all his decisions, from his associations and now his unscripted words are not good. A mocking of things to come by the things already past. I was willing to give the man the doubt but after his comment about Nancy only proves his loathing towards America which also proves what is appearant to come for our country.

J. A. Colon said...

He got the same disease as the VP elect: foot on mouth.

There will be plenty of material for the comedians and plenty to cry about for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: yeah....maybe he will feel some of the shame from the media...and how can someone say something like that about one of the greatests presidents of this country.

Conservative and Proud said...

I did not like that either and was glad to see that he apologized. He also said something else that I believe was just as stupid of a comment. He called himself a mutt. Obama is biracial - is he calling all biracial people a mutt? My son is biracial - that made me mad!!!

Anonymous said...

Take the teleprompter away, and the mouth doesn't know what to do...

Kelsey said...

This man is clueless without his teleprompter! Better haul one into the White House.